Top 10 Condo Indoor Plants to Green Up Your Space

indoor plants

Indoor planting began thousands of years ago, but it was during the height of the pandemic crisis up to this day that indoor planting for Filipino plantitos and plantitas became such an immensely popular activity among homeowners, including those compact living in a condominium.

Whether you’re a certified plant lover or aspiring to become one, there are more than a few best indoor plants that you can strategically place within the confines of your personal sanctuary. What are these condo indoor plants, their benefits, and more, let’s unravel them all in this blog post from Asterra, your guide to practical living.

What are Indoor Plants?

An indoor plant is one that can be grown indoors, like in a home or office, as opposed to other plants, which need to be planted outdoors to flourish. Many plants are grown indoors for home decor and health reasons, including air conditioning.

Every project involving interior design must include tiny indoor plants. Not only do they improve the look of space overall, but they also improve mood, foster creativity, lower stress, and also your indoor air quality, all of which contribute to a happier and healthier you.

Asterra’s condo development comprises open greens amid the growing cityscape to balance urban and rural living. Asterra also promotes leading an active lifestyle with amenities such as a gym, gardens, sports court, playground, tranquil landscapes, and pool area for the entire community of condo dwellers.

5 Benefits of having indoor Plants

Having indoor plants for your condominium can improve your physical and mental health. But what do they actually do? And how does that contribute to a healthier and happier environment at home? So here are the 5 reasons to include more indoor plants for vertical homes.

1. Better air quality

The most reliable air filters are plants, yet urban indoor environments can trap harmful poisons that have nowhere else to go. Indoor plants for condominiums offer a lively flair to your thoughtfully designed spaces while clearing the air of any dust particles. They decrease carbon dioxide and turn it into oxygen, among other things. The air quality in your starter home is also improved by a healthy humidity level.

2. Plants help you to stay focus

It has been demonstrated that having decorative plants nearby improves how well one completes their responsibilities for those who are confined to working from home. The potential of plants to increase concentration and focus is a side effect of this greener living environment, which is crucial if your house doubles as a workstation. Simply having plants close to your desk can improve your focus, especially if you’re studying or working from home.

3. Reduced risk of illness

Plants can increase the humidity in a place in addition to lowering dust. Dry air can cause problems for your skin, nose, and eyes. If there are plants in the room, you are less likely to get runny nose, itchy eyes, and irritated airways. Some plants can even aid with bodily recovery.

4. Enhanced mood

Houseplants have been demonstrated to help reduce stress symptoms, but they can also improve mood generally and lessen the signs and symptoms of long-term conditions like PTSD, depression, and anxiety. Although taking care of houseplants can be “positively distracting” and give you a sense of purpose, there are even more advantages to having indoor plants for your mental health.

5. Better sleep quality

Placing certain indoor plants in your bedroom, such as orchids, bromeliads, and succulents, may improve your quality of sleep since they are particularly effective at releasing oxygen at night. Bedrooms can be made more charming and comfortable with lush greenery and colorful flowers, but plants’ ability to increase air quality can also aid with sleep quality. As a result of photosynthesis, which occurs when plants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen and release it into the atmosphere, plants absorb carbon dioxide.

10 of the best indoor plants you can have in your condo

In this article, we will show you the greatest and best condo indoor plants for your condominiums as well as providing instructions on how to take care of them after you have them all!

1. Snake Plant

Because of its tolerance for low sunlight, low water needs, and vertical development of its leaves, the Snake Plant is perfect for planting in confined spaces like the corridor outside your living room, the restroom, on the coffee table, and any little corners of your first home. Additionally, snake plants are the best indoor plant and are excellent for anyone with a bad green thumb.

Before watering, make sure the top layer of soil is dry because too much water will cause the snake plant’s roots to rot. The Snake Plant can survive in strong light, filtered light, or even no light, depending on the amount of sunshine they receive. To avoid burning the snake plant, it is necessary to keep them out of direct sunlight.

2. Spider Plant

Spider plant is among the easiest indoor plants to care for, especially for newcomers. It’s also one among the low-maintenance Indoor plants in the Philippines. It features long, narrow leaves that grow in rosettes and dangle over the edge of the pot, with the additional bonus of even longer branches generating plantlets that can be rooted and divided from the parent plant.

The spider plant is incredibly simple to grow and is still quite popular today. It tolerates dim light but prefers medium indirect light. Although it doesn’t mind being constantly watered, it can go without water for a time and still look fine. Because of its beautifully arching leaves and branches that project from the plant and hold tiny plantlets on them, spider plants are frequently planted in hanging baskets. But it blooms just as gorgeously in conventional pots on mantles, windowsills, and tabletops.

3. ZZ Plant

ZZ plants also known as the Zamioculcas zamiifolia plant is ideal for novice plant owners because it enjoys being neglected while retaining its lovely foliage. Also ZZ Plant is one of the low maintenance indoor plants in the Philippines.

The ZZ Plant thrives in bright indirect sunlight, but it can also survive in low-light settings, you could even put one in your bathroom or bedroom if you choose.

4. Peace Lily (Lilies)

Peace lily in the Philippines is a low maintenance indoor plant that can be a perfect plant for condo living. They significantly filter the air while conveniently illuminating household spaces. This plant can provide a tranquil and relaxing impact when placed in the living space. Your arrangement will look fantastic with a Peace Lily plant because it easily brighten produces white flowers, even though it must be kept in a bright place.

The Peace Lily should be planted in well-drained soil in a spot with little sunlight. Only water it once every seven to ten days, as too much water may result in root rot, which will eventually lead the Peace Lily Plant to die slowly.

5. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a great indoor plant for your condominium, so begin your plant journey with this one. It has few leaves that could fall to the ground and is not only simple to maintain but also elegant. Another benefit is that the gel contained in its leaves can lessen the discomfort caused by sunburns and other skin irritations. Aloe vera is a practical solution for those who are concerned about their skin and hair because it is almost always present in beauty products.

Aloe Vera grows best when it is placed close to a window that faces the sun, and you should only water it once every week or every 10 days.

6. Jade Plant

Jade plants are considered one of the best lucky indoor plants in the Philippines. It is commonly known as a symbol of good luck in superstitions. Jade plants have a tiny, tree-like structure with their thick, wooden branches and oval-shaped leaves, which makes them highly appealing for use as a decorative indoor plants and also jade plants can help filter harmful pollutants. When planted indoors, they can grow to heights of three feet or more and survive a very long time, frequently being passed down from generation to generation.

This plant needs to be kept in direct sunlight or else it could grow stunted. Ensure that it is well watered as well. Never allow a jade plant to totally dry out. Jade plants is highly prone to rot, thus the soil should be allowed to completely dry out between watering even throughout the growing season.

7. Lucky Bamboo Plant

Lucky bamboo, a houseplant that attracts positive energy, is thought to improve feng shui. The quantity of stalks signifies a varied fortune in Chinese legends. Two stalks are a symbol of love, three stalks represent happiness, different fortune, long life, and five stalks or more of represent wealth.

Lucky bamboos are also good indoor plants Philippines has that can be grown hydroponically or in soil. Its growth benefits greatly from bright light. Let it have a lot of light. To lengthen the plant’s life, place it in a well-lit area. Purify your water. Filtered or distilled water is the finest choice for growing in water. Keep the soil damp without soaking it. Keeping the water level high enough to cover the roots when growing in water.

8. Palm plant

No other houseplant has the ability to induce feelings of calm and relaxation like indoor palm plants. If you can provide them the right environment, palms make healthy indoor plants. Identification of indoor palm plants is essential to understanding the specific requirements of your species.

If you can give most palms bright, indirect light and maintain soil moist in their containers for the majority of the day, they will thrive inside. Keep the palm away from chilly gusts and bursts of dry. This is one of the top air purifying indoor plants Philippines has to give for greening up your compact spaces.

9. Rubber plants

If you’re looking for good office indoor plants Philippines offers that you can grow in your workspace, but is also handy and easy to care for, the Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica) might be the choice for you. It’s adaptable to low light conditions. Although young plants begin small, they gradually occupy the space it an empty corner and look wonderful in most rooms because to their shiny, glossy leaves.

These plant prefer moist and not soggy soil for plant care. You should also wipe them down with a damp towel to help your plant absorb more sunlight and to maintain the moisture in the leaves. Misting is an alternative to leaf sweeping if you’d prefer. Keep your rubber plant in well-draining soil at all times to avoid root rot.

10. Golden Pothos

The ability of Pothos plants to air purifying plant is well documented. Pothos plants are well-known indoor plants because they are great at eliminating contaminants from the air. Formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide can all be effectively removed by the golden Pothos. By rooting the cuttings in water, Pothos can be easily propagated into numerous more pots.

Every one to two weeks, give your Pothos some water, letting the soil dry out in between. In brighter light, water more frequently, and in less-bright light, less frequently. Yellowing leaves and black stems are some indicators of overwatering, while under watered plants may wilt and their potting soil will dry out.

Where can I Buy Indoor Plants in the Philippines?

We suggest that you buy indoor plants from online retailers like Shopee, Lazada, and others for reasonable prices, and occasionally they even provide free shipping! It’s a great tool for finding indoor plants in the Philippines, but you can also use it to search for a plant shop if you’d like.

This list of indoor plants in the Philippines will help you choose the right ones for your condominium. Please take the time to read all of our buying guides. Tell your friends about this if you think they’ll find it useful.

Achieve your plantito and plantita goals in one of Asterra’s value-priced condominiums in emerging locations in Greater Manila Area (GMA) and regional areas nationwide. Buy the best indoor plants Philippines has to offer for better air quality and improved mental wellbeing for you.

Whether you’re a young professional looking for a home in areas posed for growth, or one of the overseas Filipinos looking for a practical investment, there is an Asterra condo that provides best value for money. Become a condo owner soon and reap the benefits of compact living!

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