Summer activities you can enjoy in your own condo

summer activities with family at home

It’s now the middle of summer, and many who typically use this time of year for vacations and other forms of relaxation are probably starting to feel cooped up and isolated. Because of the travel restrictions and rules that are currently being established, it simply is not possible for us to go very far. There won’t be a trip to the beach any time soon. No local or foreign travel. No outside adventures. We have no choice but to remain indoors in order to protect ourselves and our families, as there is nothing else we can do. Even though we do not have access to the same kinds of summer activities that we did in the past, we should nevertheless make the most of what we do have. Because of this, staying put in the condo for the summer is the most sensible course of action to pursue.

Most people, particularly children, consider summer to be their favorite time of year. The fact that summertime helps a lot of people enjoy better mental health and less stress is only one of the numerous ways in which this season is beneficial. People are able to be themselves more openly and assuredly during the summer months. As summer arrives, people often have a better disposition. This is a time of year that should be used primarily for relaxing and bonding with close friends and family members.

Summer Staycation Ideas That You and Yours Will Enjoy!

1. Swimming Time

Splashing around in the water should be at the top of every family’s to-do list for their summer vacation, because it’s the most fun. In the Swimming Pool, where one may experience the liberation that comes with accomplishing a goal and emerging from the experience feeling refreshed and cool, which is something that children will undoubtedly adore and love, A child’s mind may also be opened to the possibility of becoming physically active and making new friends in the local community. Bring a towel with you, spend the day lounging by the pool, and jump in the water whenever the summer heat gets to be too much for you.

2. Movie night in the living room

Who thinks watching movies in the comfort of your own home is not an option? Movie night is the ideal opportunity for families to spend quality time together and is a great option to take into consideration if you and your group miss going to the movies. You could try to recreate the atmosphere of a movie theaters in your home by selecting a film that no one else has seen yet, turning off your phone, serving some popcorn, and turning down the lights. Then, sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!

3. Home Baking

Acquiring new knowledge and putting it to use over the summer is essential for making the most of the season. Each and every parent hopes that their children will acquire new skill and make new discoveries. Having a vacation from the activities at school would provide children the opportunity to focus on creative and entertaining methods to alleviate the boredom they experience while they are at home, such as baking. Baking has been, for a very long time, a favorite pleasure activity for people. Get your kids involved by requesting their assistance in the preparation of these uncomplicated components. For children to have an experience that is very relaxing, one that results in an authentic feeling of peace and quiet.

For those who have never attempted baking before, purchasing a pre-made mix and improvising with it can be a lot of fun. You would be astounded by the variety of tasty treats that may be created using a pancake mix that has already been prepared. If you have more experience in the kitchen, you might want to get your children involved in making glazed donuts with you because kneading the dough can be a lot of fun for young children. They have the impression that they are mucking around with their playdoh.

4. Plan a Family Game Night

It is clear that your children will gain a great deal from this one of a kind, valuable time by the fact that you will be pulling out board games on a pleasant summer weekend night or at family activities and celebrations. Plan a night when you won’t be able to check your phone and instead will engage in some friendly competition with your family over board games. In addition to playing board games, charades, Pinoy Henyo, and other guessing games. Your child’s cognitive abilities will benefit from this, and you will enjoy a delightful moment of bonding with the other children. You can make the game more thrilling by pairing up girls and boys against each other or by playing the game on your own. In point of fact, the children will come to the conclusion as a result of this that engaging in activities together as a family is preferable to either watching television or their iPads.

5. Make DIY slime and science experiments on your balcony

It’s likely that producing slime is one of the summertime hobbies that gets the greatest participation. After all, a lot of children find playing with slime to be fun, and because they can keep playing it for weeks at a time, this frees up more of your time for you to organize yet another enjoyable activity for the days that will follow. In addition, your child’s muscle strength, particularly in their hands, will increase as a result of this activity because they will be squeezing the slime to create it! You will need some glue, baking soda, food coloring, and a very small amount of saline solution in order to achieve a consistency that will please the children. This easy craft project may keep your kids entertained for hours while you’re getting things done around the house.

Also, your kids can undertake experiments. Science experiments do not immediately suggest that there is a danger or hazard. There are a lot of simple activities that you can undertake that will still fascinate your child and provide a pleasant opportunity for the both of you to interact as a family. In addition, they can improve their motor abilities, their analytical thinking, and their ability to work together by participating in experiments. Nevertheless, apart from volcano, there are a lot of other experiments that you may do that won’t involve too much effort or materials on your part. Simply navigate to YouTube and search for kid-friendly experiments that don’t require any preparation.

6. Arts and Crafts

How can you keep your little ones occupied within the house without resorting to their tablets or mobiles? Your children will be able to be creative, clever, and sociable if you engage them in activities such as arts and crafts during the staycation fad that is currently in vogue over the summer. Kids’ minds will be expanded with new concepts as they sketch, paint, cut, and shape during the course of this exercise since it encourages them to develop their imaginations and their capacity for self-expression. It would force individuals to realize their full potential in terms of their creativity skills, which would then demonstrate their inventiveness in all facets of their lives. It has the potential to provide hours of amusement.

7. Backyard picnic

A picnic place on your backyard can be another fun concept to consider. Taking your kids on picnics is a wonderful opportunity to show them that they are cherished and that their voices are being heard. Spending time in the sun has been connected with both improved mood and reduce stress for the entire family. Just whip up some delectable fare and mix up some of your favorite libations, then take your meal out on the balcony to enjoy. It’s a nifty method to have the feel of dining outside without having to leave the comfort of your condo unit. Don’t forget your picnic blankets!

8. Transform your balcony into a little garden space

Adults and teenagers, If you are unable to take some few days off to go on a nature tripping, then why not bring nature into your own home? It would be a good idea to start planting some indoor plants that can filter the air while also giving a cool and relaxing atmosphere. If your balconies has a ceiling, add some few hooks for hanging plants and secure pots, shelves, or trellises to the walls. With these suggestions, your small, uninteresting balcony will be transformed into an alluring sanctuary that you won’t want to leave. Now is the time to pull out your go-to summer read and start compiling a killer soundtrack for the season.

9. Yoga Exercise

Relax with the kids this summer by practicing some calming yoga positions together. Spending quality time with one another and coming up with new stretches to try is something that children of all ages will enjoy. This may not sound thrilling at first, but engaging in regular physical activities and exercise as a family will go a long way toward improving everyone’s health, both mental and physical. Because it increases flexibility and flow of blood, yoga can help minimize the risk of injuries during other types of physical activity. There is nothing that can compare to the world of fitness when it comes to guiding someone toward a healthier lifestyle.

Also, you may assist shield your body from the damaging effects of extended exposure to the sun and high temperatures by performing your workouts inside during the summer months. You should aim to exercise during times of the day when the temperature is not too high, and you should pick a room in your house for your workouts that has good ventilation.

10. Create art with your family

Both children and adults, with a blank canvas and some watercolor paints, you may encourage everyone in the family to express their individual creativity. You may begin by having them paint their favorite forms in a color of their choosing, or you could tell them to paint their ideal home or vacation spot. Your children will be able to improve their hand-eye coordination via the activity of painting, which is one of the most essential abilities for children their age. You can also take part in stress-relieving and mind-clearing virtual painting sessions whenever you have some spare time.

It is true that spend time with the whole family outside can have its benefits. Yet, the time you spend with the children at home will undoubtedly be far more intimate, delightful, and educational for them, and these things can be so much more enjoyable than the time spent using gadgets and other forms of technology. Because of this, the spaces at Asterra are designed to be as handy as possible, allowing you to participate in all of the exciting activities with your children without ever having to leave the house. You will unquestionably still be able to make these tasks during the summer, which will elevate your child’s experience of living in a condo.

Written by Hlyn Fernandez

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