Tips and Tricks on how to Maximize Space in a Small Condo Unit

Small space condo

In the current housing market, it’s more important than ever to maximize your space. But even if you live in a tiny apartment or condo, there are still ways to make your home feel larger and more open. The key is to think outside the box (and not literally).

This article will give you a few tips on how to make the most of your small space and make it feel like a lot more.

Tips, Tricks, and Ideas on how to Maximize and Save Space in a Small Condo

1. Living and Dining Areas

Living room is the first part we see in our houses after the all day grind from work. And of course, we do not want crowded and stressful living room to welcome us. Bulky sofa for example affect the orientation of our living room, it may appear crowded and definitely not suitable for small spaces. By that, condos encourage its unit owners to take into consideration the functionality and size of the appliances.

To maximize your limited space, go to furniture that is convertible and serves a lots of purposes. One of the examples is the sofa beds instead of the typical sofa seen in most homes and living area. This is a wise choice for saving space and also provide an additional bed for any home visitors. Another furniture is the center tables or coffee table with built in cabinets for storage. Movable kitchen island is also a great choice to save space as you can move it when you need it. On the other hand, folding and unfolding is not new to us. This strategy has potential use in dining area as there are a lot of folding tables and folding chairs in the market. You can also select from a variety of wall-mounted table designs that can be folded down. This will give you extra space and it’s simply so clever!

2. Entry Way

It might sound ridiculous but yes even if condos are small, there is also a possibility that you can create your entry way to look aesthetically pleasing even though you perceive that is only enough for passage. No, we are not going to make it plain and boring. So here is a tip, to make it more inviting and alive you can just simply hang some mirrors, frames and paintings.

3. Kitchen

No matter how busy you are and even though you do not cook more often, one of the important spaces inside your condo is the kitchen. And it is undeniable that kitchen corresponds to bigger furniture, appliances, and more kitchen tools and materials to be kept. Thus, saving space for kitchen is a difficult job. But, the answer to this problems lies on the power of built-in cabinets especially when it is installed from ceiling to floor and wall to wall. This ideas is of great help as this can be functional where it can be used as storage for some appliance and other kitchen essentials in your condo.

4. Bedroom

Yes, beds are relatively big for a limited space dwelling. but there are varied of style and techniques you can use to maximize your bedroom. One way is the hide-away bed or the Murphy bed. Similar to hide-away beds, Murphy beds are used to save space and are used in places with limited floor space including small homes, small apartment, motels, and college dorm rooms. And of course, this is applicable to condominiums because you can simply laid it down if you want to sleep and tucked it up to shelves when are not in use. During mornings, if you this bed are tucked you can convert your bedroom into an office space. Thus, this kind of furniture offer unique style.

5.  Shelves

Of course, we need storage space and a display areas in a condo in order to achieve clutter-free area. If you have a lot stuff that you want to keep, the furniture that is suitable for you is the hanging and open shelves . This is one of the ideas you can actually do because aside from it saves a lot of space, you can also create a display area using this that will eventually add to the aesthetic aspect of your room. One example of it is glass shelves which will help you to keep and protect fragile objects such as vase and figurines. Aside from its protection, this kind of furniture is a great idea because it is double purpose-protection and beautification.

6. Walls

In most condominiums, a single unit has more walls than floor space. But it is not a downside, it is actually good and the benefit it gives is something you cannot imagine. If your unit has more walls then make use of any accessible large walls. For instance, you can hang your Television or cabinet instead of buying another TV stand and another table, make better use of the walls. It does not only give the much needed space but it may also serve as an additional design or an accent wall in your home to make it more aesthetically pleasing . You can also utilize your walls to display frame or artwork that you have. Hanging some decoration is a good idea, you can also paint it or put some framed artworks to create a beautiful atmosphere in your home.

7. Mirrors

Since, condominium units are smaller compared to town house. Worry less, as there are numerous methods for creating the illusion of space and one of it is the use of mirrors. You can convert your dry walls into mirror walls. This mirror will not also serve aesthetically but it creates the appearance of a larger area by reflecting the adjacent wall. However, employ caution when placing mirrors since they may not always produce the desired effect or illusion. If it reflected a congested, cluttered location, the room would effectively double in size, becoming stuffed.

8. Lighting

Have you heard that light also contributes to holistic appearance of your room? It is also one of the cheats, one can use to create an illusion and create a room to look bigger and spacious. In addition, Lighting completes the look of your room; without it, the beauty of your interior would be lost. And of course, it will depend on the kinds of light you use. Nowadays, led light is already popular, but light also come in a range of styles, so you have variety of options and so can choose according to your preferences. Drop lights, pendant lights, and cove lights are perfect for tiny spaces because they create the appearance of height.

But if you are planning to buy a condo, choose a unit that has bigger windows or even have balcony in order for your area to have a source of natural light. Natural light is always preferable and useful than artificial light in your life. It purifies your space in a rich full spectrum hue that light bulbs cannot do. Moreover, it could also affect you because it boosts your body’s serotonin levels, which makes you feel happy. Best of all, natural light will be not be charged to your electricity bill at the end of the month because it is free. Knowing the advantage and benefit of natural light, you can maximize it by using light colored curtains & airy curtains.

9. Cabinets

Of course, you need cabinets. Who would want a dwelling that is messy because of the visual clutter such as the things that you rarely use and typically leave out in your floors and in your tables . It is a big no because aside from that fact that you have small area, messy and other unused object should be avoided. This goes to show that cabinets are important part of our rooms not just in our kitchen but also in our bedroom. But, cabinets are bulky. but worry less as built in cabinet will resolve your problem. Installing it from ceiling to floor and wall to wall is a good idea because it will save more space and as well as will give you more storage. It can be used in storing your clothing and other materials. By that,mess and disorganized dwelling will be avoided.

10. Color, Accents and Patterns

Plain will not really motivate you to work harder and will not help you relax. Thus, you need your small especially its interior need some cool colors, patterns and accents. The color of your interior will affect your overall well being. In terms of color scheme, it is preferable if you utilize neutral or simple colors because t emits a distinct glow, creating the sense of a larger space. When it comes to patterns, vertical lines are best since they create the illusion of height. Vibrant, vivid patterns can also be your friend, brightening the overall look of your room. These things will help improve the visual interest of your room.

There are numerous methods to make the most of your condo space. Remember that there is no limit to beautifying your own place. You simply must be creative and innovative! Not to mention, DIYing stuffs are becoming mainstream nowadays because you get a chance to do it yourself or design it yourself according to your preferences and likes. Moreover, Most condominiums allow unit owners to create their own personal space based on their tastes and preferences and also the owners of the unit in most condominiums are free to do whatever they want with the property. This would be of great help to you, as you can design your own surroundings in a way that will motivate them you work hard and aside from that, you can decide on how to maximize your own unit.

On the other side, it makes no difference how big or little your space is as long as you know how to maximize it without sacrificing accessibility and functionality. A multi-purpose condo gives you the space and freedom to live a balanced life with your family or partner. With the aforementioned tips, tricks, ideas, storage techniques and design recommendations on how to maximize your small condo might help you and give you some ideas on how you can precisely suit the attributes of your property.. After all, nothing beats coming home to a lovely, cozy, and clean atmosphere. So, if I were you, I would stop worrying about the size of your soon-to-be-home because you have nothing to be concerned about. You only need to keep its coziness if you want to call it home.

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