5 Strategies to Encourage Active Learning in Kids

In the early childhood years, every parent gives value to the importance of education to their children. From practicing how to speak, read and write, families all over the world want their kids to discover and learn. As they grow, their concentration and motivation toward learning are also changing. In some cases, parents are struggling with how to get the attention of their children and need to double their efforts when it comes to student participation in class. This is where they make use of active learning. What is active learning in kids and why is it important? Find out more in this article.

What is active learning and Why is it Important in Early Childhood?

Active learning is a technique of teaching in which students actively engage with course material through conversations, problem-solving, case studies, role plays, and other ways. Giving children room and time to investigate these things on their own, with their classmates, and with you is an example of active learning. Active learning differs from “conventional” techniques of education in which pupils are passive recipients of expert information. Active learning may take many different forms and be implemented in any field. Students will often participate in small or large group activities based on writing, discussing, problem-solving, or reflection.

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5 Strategies for Active Learning in Early Childhood Years

It is important to keep your kids’ brains active to keep learning. By doing so, certain strategies need to be implemented by every parent to sustain the learning of their children. Now, let’s dive into these top 5 strategies that will help and encourage kids towards active learning in early childhood!

1. Create a reading environment. 

According to studies, reading has a significant impact on children’s academic success. Similarly, data shows that kids who read every day not only outperform their peers on reading exams but also acquire a bigger vocabulary, enhanced general knowledge, and a better awareness of various cultures. Reading is more likely to affect a child’s academic success than the social or economic background. Moreover, reading is also a process used in active learning in early childhood that aims to increase your child’s focus and understanding. Start by filling your child’s life with books to help them develop reading abilities and a passion for reading. Read to your kids regularly. Allow your children to read aloud. Make a family reading time where everyone reads for 15-25 minutes every day. By reading yourself and stocking your classroom and/or home with reading materials (novels, posters, newspapers, magazines, etc.), you will create a reading environment that will illustrate to your kid the importance of reading. Making reading enjoyable rather than irritating is essential for creating effective readers. If a kid believes that reading is uninteresting or frustrating, they will stop reading and their capacity to learn will suffer. Allow children to choose their books to read, assist them in reading, and plan activities that make reading enjoyable for them.

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2. Consider your child’s interests. 

Kids are driven by their passions. Integrating children’s interests into their schooling encourages autonomy and choice. When adults engage children in ordinary activities that are based on their interests, they learn more effectively. Many studies have demonstrated that when adults involve children in ordinary activities that are based on their interests, they learn more efficiently. Learning becomes interesting and engaging for kids when it involves them in areas and subjects of interest. If you truly want to assist your child to become a good student, encourage them to investigate themes and subjects that pique their interest. If he likes constellations, assist him in locating engaging and entertaining constellation books and stories. Then ask him to choose his top five constellations and explain why he selected each one. Every child has their way of portraying what their likes are and not to help them achieve focus and maintain active learning in early childhood.

3. Insert gameplay in learning activities.

Games are vital for healthy development in early infancy and beyond according to research. Playing games at home or in class boosts overall motivation. Kids are more motivated to study, pay attention, and engage in prescribed activities when they play games. Games encourage children to work as part of a team and to take responsibility for their learning. For a variety of reasons, game-based learning may be quite beneficial. Using games as an educational tool not only allows for deeper learning and the development of non-cognitive abilities but also helps drive kids to want to study. When a kid actively participates in a game, their brains enjoy the pleasure of learning a new system. This is true whether the game is classified as “entertainment” or “serious”. Engaging in games has the additional benefit of pushing kids to want to participate in the learning process and learn more.

4. Introduce various learning methods. 

When it comes to active learning in early childhood, every child has learning preferences and learning styles that are best suited to their learning style. Some kids have a dominating learning style, whilst others like to learn in a variety of ways. There is no one correct or wrong learning style or combination of learning styles. You may, however, employ ways to boost your child’s rate and quality of learning by assisting them in discovering their preferred learning modes. Learning styles are significant because they may assist many people, including students, educators, professionals, and learning and development specialists, in better understanding the specific modalities that can help learners receive information most successfully. Visual, auditory, verbal, physical, logical (mathematical), social, and solitary are the seven basic learning styles. Kids who are visual learners, for example, learn best by seeing how things function. Children who are auditory learners, on the other hand, learn best by listening to things being discussed. It is good for young kids to investigate and apply various learning approaches.

5. Make learning a daily routine. 

As they say, learning is a never-ending process that is essential for progress. The learning issue is that it has changed over time. It is an ongoing process even after your kid graduates. Every day, children will discover something new to learn. Making every day a learning day may sound like a lot, but it isn’t if you do it correctly. Encourage your kids to investigate their surroundings, ask questions, and find connections wherever possible. Assist them with categorizing, classifying, and critically thinking about what they see and experience. Making every day a learning day can assist your kid in developing an internal drive to study at school, at home, or wherever they may be.

In closing, active learning in early childhood is wonderful if you will provide proper ways to execute the tools, materials, and learning styles that would work best for your kids. Discovering their interest, making an honest conversation, and even playing will allow them to be participative with you which will create a genuine connection. To improve their learning abilities which every parent should always focus on first, it always starts in the comfort of your home. Building strong, open, and secure space between families. In Bria Homes, we provide the comfort and wellness that every family needs to enjoy the quality time spent with their kids, especially in learning. Offering an affordable house and lot for sale and condominiums that would surely satisfy your home desires for you and your family!

Written by Jennifer Rose S. De la Cruz 

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