Do’s and Donts as a First Time Condo Unit Owner

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If you’re a first-time condo unit owner, congratulations on your new home! Owning a condo unit can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it also comes with a set of unique responsibilities and obligations that you may not be familiar with. It’s essential to understand the dos and don’ts of being a condo unit owner to ensure that you can enjoy your new home to the fullest while also being a responsible member of your community.

From understanding your obligations and responsibilities, to the condo association, to budgeting for monthly fees and maintaining your unit, there are many things to consider. In this article, we will explore the do’s and don’ts of a first-time condominium owner to help you navigate the world of condo ownership responsibly and successfully.

Importance of knowing what to do and what not to do

Knowing what to do and what not to do as a first-time condo unit owner is essential to ensure a smooth and enjoyable living experience. Condo living involves sharing a building and common spaces with other unit owners, which means that everyone must follow certain rules and regulations to maintain a harmonious and comfortable living environment.

By understanding the dos and don’t of condo unit ownership, you can avoid costly mistakes, build positive relationships with your neighbors, and ensure that you are fulfilling your responsibilities as a unit owner. It can also help you avoid legal disputes and potential financial penalties. Ultimately, being a responsible and knowledgeable condo unit owner not only benefits you but also contributes to a thriving and healthy community for everyone.

Why Many People in the Philippines Dive into Condo Investment

In recent years, the Philippines real estate industry has seen a rise in the number of people investing in condos. There are several reasons for this trend, including:


Condos in the Philippines are often more affordable than houses, making them an attractive investment option for many people. Additionally, many developers offer flexible payment terms that allow buyers to pay in installments over several years.


Condos are typically located in prime locations, making them a convenient option for people who want to be close to their workplace or other amenities. Many condos also offer on-site amenities such as swimming pool, gym, and shops, which add to their appeal.


Condos in the Philippines often have 24-hour security, which provides peace of mind for residents. This is particularly important in a country where crime rates can be high.

Rental potential

Many people invest in condos in the Philippines intending to rent them out. With the growth of the country’s tourism industry, there is a high demand for short-term rentals, making it a potentially passive income. Refer to 6 ways a condo give passive income.

Community living

Condos offer a sense of community living, which can be appealing to people who want to be part of a close-knit community. Many condos organize social events and activities for residents, which can help foster a sense of belonging.

Overall, the affordability, convenience, security, rental potential, and community living offered by condos make them a good investment option for many people in the Philippines. Asterra Condominium is one of the sought out condominiums that offer a affordable and comfortable condo living.

Do’s as a first-time condominium unit owner

Read and understand the condo association bylaws

By reading and understanding the bylaws, you can ensure that you are aware of your obligations as a unit owner, as well as the rights and responsibilities of other units and the condo association. This can include rules around noise levels, noise restrictions, pet ownership, the use of common areas, and parking space among others.

Failing to comply with the bylaws can result in penalties or legal disputes, so you must take the time to familiarize yourself with them. If there are any aspects of the bylaws that you do not understand, it is important to seek clarification from the condo association or a legal professional.

Overall, reading and understanding the condo association bylaws is an essential step in being a responsible and knowledgeable condo unit owner, and can help ensure a harmonious and enjoyable living experience for everyone in the community.

Learn about your responsibilities and obligations as an owner

Learning about your responsibilities and obligations as a condo owner is another important do for first-time condo owners. As an owner, you have certain responsibilities to the condo association and your fellow residents, among other factors including:

1. Paying monthly fees:

Condo owners are typically required to pay monthly fees to cover the cost of maintaining common areas, amenities, and other shared expenses.

2. Maintaining your unit:

You are responsible for keeping your place in good condition, including repairs and maintenance.

3. Following the bylaws:

As mentioned earlier, you must follow the condo association bylaws, which set out the rules and regulations for conduct within the community.

4. Contributing to community initiatives:

Condo communities often have initiatives or activities that require the participation of unit owners, such as volunteering for community events or helping to maintain shared spaces.

5. Respecting other residents:

As a member of a shared community, it is important to be respectful of your fellow residents and their right to enjoy their living space.

By understanding your responsibilities and obligations as a unit owner, you can be a responsible and valuable member of your community. It can also help you avoid any legal fees, disputes, and potential financial penalties.

Budget and plan for monthly fees and other expenses

Budgeting and planning for monthly fees and other expenses is an essential step for first-time condo owners. When you buy a condo, you will typically be required to pay monthly fees to the condo association to cover the cost of maintaining shared spaces and amenities, as well as other expenses related to the operation of the community. The two primary condominium fees are condo fees and homeowners association fee that are necessary for you to understand.

Review the condo association bylaws: The bylaws will outline the fees and expenses that you can expect to pay as an owner. Determine the amount of the monthly fees: You should find out the amount of the monthly fees and any other expenses that are associated with your condo, such as utility bills or insurance costs.

Create a budget: Based on the monthly fees and expenses, create a budget that outlines your expected costs for the year. Set aside funds for unexpected expenses: It is a good idea to set aside funds for unexpected expenses that may arise, such as repairs or maintenance issues.

Plan for long-term expenses: As a unit owner, you may also need to plan for long-term expenses such as major repairs or renovations that may be required in the future.

By budgeting and planning for monthly fees and other expenses, you can ensure that you are financially prepared for the costs associated with owning a condominium. It can also help you avoid financial stress and ensure that you can enjoy your living space without worrying about unexpected costs.

Don’ts as a first-time condo unit owner

Ignore or neglect condo association rules and regulations

Ignoring or neglecting condo association rules and regulations can lead to serious consequences for new condo owners. It is important to understand that condo associations have rules and regulations in place to maintain the safety, security, and quality of life for condo dwellers and all residents.

Here are some potential consequences of ignoring or neglecting condo association rules and regulations:

Legal consequences: Condo associations have the authority to enforce their rules and regulations, and violating these rules can result in legal consequences.

Community harmony

Condo associations set rules and regulations to maintain a harmonious community. Ignoring these rules can lead to disputes and conflicts with your neighbors.

Property value

Neglecting the condo association’s rules and regulations can lead to a decline in property values. This can be detrimental if you plan to sell your unit in the future.

Safety and security

Condo associations have rules and regulations in place to ensure the safety and security of residents. Ignoring these rules can compromise the safety and security of yourself and others.

Maintenance and upkeep

Condo associations have rules in place to ensure that the property is well-maintained and kept in good condition. Neglecting these rules can lead to the deterioration of the property.

To avoid these consequences, new condominium owners need to familiarize themselves with the condo association rules and regulations and follow them. If there are concerns or issues, it is important to communicate with the condo association and work together to find a solution that benefits everyone.

Make alterations or renovations without proper approval of your condo units

As a new owner, it is essential to follow the condo association’s rules and regulations. Ignoring or neglecting these rules can lead to problems for both you and your fellow residents. Here are some reasons why you should not ignore or neglect condo association rules:

A. Property resale value

Neglecting the condo association’s rules and regulations can lead to a decline in property resale value. This can be detrimental if you plan to sell your unit in the future. Check out tips to increase condo value.

B. Safety and security

Condo associations have rules and regulations in place to ensure the safety and security of residents. Ignoring these rules can compromise the safety and security of yourself and others.

C. Maintenance and upkeep

Condo associations have rules in place to ensure that the property is well-maintained and kept in good condition. Neglecting these rules can lead to the deterioration of the property.

It is important to understand and follow the condo association’s rules and regulations to ensure that you and your fellow residents can live in a harmonious, safe, and well-maintained community. If you have any questions or concerns about the various association dues or rules, it is best to speak with the condo association board or property management.

Overlook the importance of condominium insurance

As a new condominium owner, it is essential not to overlook the importance of buying a condo with insurance. Condominium insurance is designed to protect your personal property and liability, and it is different from the insurance coverage that your condo association may have in place.

Here are some reasons why you should consider purchasing condo insurance:

A. Personal property protection

Condominium insurance can provide coverage for your personal property in the event of damage or loss due to theft, fire, or other covered perils.

B. Liability protection

Condo insurance can also provide liability protection if someone is injured while in your unit or if you cause damage to someone else’s property.

C. Additional living expenses coverage

If your unit becomes uninhabitable due to a covered loss, condo insurance can provide coverage for additional living expenses, such as hotel costs.

D. Protection from lawsuits

Condo insurance can also protect you from lawsuits if you are sued for damages or injury caused by you or your property.

E. Required by mortgage lenders

In some cases, mortgage lenders may require that you carry condo insurance as a condition of the loan.

It is important to review your condo association’s insurance policy and purchase additional coverage as needed to ensure that you are fully protected. Speak with an insurance agent to discuss your coverage options and ensure that you have the appropriate level of protection for your needs as a new condo owner.

Engage in activities that may damage the building or common areas that may affect your condo living

As a first-time condo unit owner, it is important to be mindful of your actions and avoid engaging in any activities that may damage the building or common areas. Here are some reasons why:

A. Property damage

Activities such as drilling holes in walls, nailing objects, or installing fixtures without permission can cause damage to the building or common areas.

B. Safety hazards

Engaging in activities that may damage the building or common areas can create safety hazards for you and other residents. For example, drilling into walls without knowing where the electrical wiring or plumbing is can result in electrical shock or flooding.

C. Violation of rules and regulations

Most condo associations have rules and regulations in place that prohibit activities that may damage the building or common areas. Violating these rules can result in penalties and fines.

D. Costly repairs

Any damage caused by your actions may result in costly repairs that can ultimately affect your finances.

E. Community harmony

Engaging in activities that may damage the building or common areas can create tension and conflicts with your neighbors. It is important to respect the shared spaces and amenities and avoid causing unnecessary disruptions.

Remember to always consult with the condo association board or property management before making any changes or modifications to your unit or the common areas. By being mindful of your actions, you can help maintain a safe, harmonious, and well-maintained community for everyone to enjoy.


In conclusion, owning a condo unit can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it comes with its own set of responsibilities. By following the do’s and don’ts as a first-time condo unit owner, you can ensure that you enjoy your ownership responsibly while maintaining a safe and harmonious community.

Remember to take the time to review and understand the condo association bylaws and regulations, and stay up-to-date on your responsibilities and obligations as a condo unit owner. Plan and budget for monthly fees and other maintenance fees and expenses, inspect and maintain your unit regularly, and never ignore or neglect the condo association rules and regulations. It may look like a lot to digest, but do not fret! Asterra Condominium gives out proper and detailed regulations that condo owners should know.

Most importantly

Enjoy your condo unit ownership responsibly by being respectful of your neighbors and the shared spaces and amenities. By doing so, you can create a positive and welcoming community that you can call home for many years to come.

So, take the time to educate yourself, be responsible, and enjoy your condo unit ownership to the fullest!

Written by JJM

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